Narration: Isocrates, “Antidosis”

It was a busy week and I took a few days off from reading the Great Tradition. I finished the short remaining section on Plato’s Laws and read the excerpt from Xenophon’s Memorabilia, but wasn’t inspired to narrate what I found in either. Moving onto Isocrates’ (436-338 B.C.) Antidosis: Narration: Isocrates notes the debate betweenContinue reading “Narration: Isocrates, “Antidosis””

2023 Top Book List

The habit of grown-ups reading living books and retaining the power to digest them will be lost if we refuse to give a little time for Mother Culture. Karen Andreola I am glad to bring to you a compilation of the most life-changing books I read this year! I’m indebted in the formation of theContinue reading “2023 Top Book List”

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