Science and technology as substitutes for faith in God??

Narration  We continue through Chapter 2 of The Spiritual Roots of the Ecological Crisis by Jean-Claude Larchet, returning to St Maximus’s explanation of the passions. The saint explains that God forbade Adam from eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because He knew that he would fall prey to theContinue reading “Science and technology as substitutes for faith in God??”

Make New Friends & Keep The Old: How To Host A Lovely Gathering In Your Home

I hope you enjoy this reflection of mine, published on Wallflower Journal! Make New Friends & Keep The Old: How To Host A Lovely Gathering In Your Home

Narration and Commonplace Quotes: The Spiritual Roots of the Ecological Crisis by Jean-Claude Larchet

This is the second book I will be working through on this blog. I am reading The Spiritual Roots of the Ecological Crisis by Jean-Claude Larchet, published in 2022. It is part of my list of books to read this year, falling into my “Orthodox Christianity” category.  Today I read the Introduction, and got partwayContinue reading “Narration and Commonplace Quotes: The Spiritual Roots of the Ecological Crisis by Jean-Claude Larchet”

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